“It all terrifies me,” says Steven Spielberg as he critiques the artwork produced by AI.

Steven Spielberg He expressed his point of view about the role she played artificial intelligence in creating works of art.

Recently the question has become more and more Discussion and controversy. If on the one hand this has established itself as one of the main trends of the moment, which sees the proliferation of works of art, reinterpretations and any other act of typical human creativity on social networks, on the other hand it has become a fierce battlefield between supporters of artificial intelligence and the artists themselves, especially those working in the digital sector.

In a recent interview, the acclaimed filmmaker gave a fairly detailed opinion in which he investigated the various implicit aspects of the decision to delegate different areas to artistic creativity for a number of algorithms. He said Spielberg’s judgment was unequivocal Anything but enthusiasm:

I love anything not made by a computer, but man-made. When someone uses digital tools to shape something, for express themselves And making something, it’s cool. With AI, all you do is insert references and criteria to create something that is then done It looks like it was created by a person when it’s just an artificial intelligence-generated imitation.

Basically you take something that you have created and built – I’m talking about computers – and then you give it an autonomy above your point of view and even above yourself as a human being. The soul is something inconceivable and indescribable. It cannot be generated by an algorithm. It is something that is in all of us. Should we lose all of this by letting books, movies, and music be made by AI? All this terrifies me.


Spielberg’s words echo words repeated over and over by the online community of digital artists, who, in addition to seeing their sector of work threatened, have repeatedly expressed their Dangerous drift What this technology can do if used lightly. An inescapable aspect of the end as this has been made evident in the form of social media trends.