Thunder Bay launches automated recycling collection starting July 1

The City of Thunder Bay is implementing changes to curbside recycling collection starting July 1, transitioning to a new automated recycling cart system. According to Jason Sherband, the city’s manager of solid waste and recycling services, all residential households should have received their carts by now.

Residents are encouraged to begin using these carts for recyclables instead of the previous blue bag system, which will no longer be accepted after July 1. Sherband emphasized the importance of placing recyclables directly into the carts without using bags.

Each cart is equipped with compartments for paper and containers, and residents with excess cardboard can bundle it with twine for collection beside the cart. There will be no changes to collection schedules, recycling depots, or accepted materials.

These adjustments are in response to new provincial regulations, shifting operational responsibility for curbside recycling to Circular Materials, which oversees Ontario’s common collection system. Sherband highlighted upcoming changes, including plans for automated garbage collection carts and the introduction of a new organics (green bin) program over the next two years.

Ultimately, residents can expect to manage all waste streams—recycling, garbage, and organics—with designated carts placed at their driveways.