
RCMP Chief Urges MPs to Refrain from Naming Politicians Accused of Aiding Foreign Powers in the House

The RCMP Commissioner has expressed unease over the possibility of politicians using their parliamentary privilege to name colleagues accused of aiding foreign powers. Earlier this month, the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) released a heavily redacted document, based on intelligence reports, alleging that some parliamentarians have been “semi-witting or witting” participants in foreign interference efforts in Canadian politics.

The RCMP has warned that leaking classified intelligence could result in charges under Canada’s secrets law. Despite this, the Liberal government faces pressure from the Conservatives and others to release the names of those cited in the report on the House of Commons floor, where MPs are protected by parliamentary privilege.

RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme is concerned about the implications. “I’m inclined to say that would be a challenge for us. If it was out in the public domain, it’d be different because you’re disclosing top secret information,” he said in an interview. “Let’s hope we don’t have to cross that road.”

Duheme urged caution, highlighting the potential risks to tradecraft and international partnerships. “I am concerned if we’re starting to disclose secret or top secret information,” he said.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, who reviewed the unredacted report, stated it contains “no list of MPs who have shown disloyalty to Canada.” NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, also having read the classified report, believes some parliamentarians are “willing participants” in foreign interference efforts. A party spokesperson later clarified that Singh’s comments should not be interpreted as confirming or denying the current service status of the parliamentarians mentioned in the report.

After the NSICOP report was released, the RCMP issued a statement clarifying that it “did not receive information regarding all the matters contained in the report.”

In an interview with Rosemary Barton Live, Commissioner Duheme mentioned that the RCMP has since re-engaged with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to explore potential avenues for further investigation.

Intelligence to Evidence’ Dilemma Called ‘Frustrating’

In its report, NSICOP highlighted “numerous instances” where intelligence agencies failed to share information with law enforcement bodies, including the RCMP. Describing this as a “critical gap,” the committee proposed a government review.

The use of intelligence as evidence has long been contentious among Canada’s security agencies, police, and courts. The “intelligence to evidence” dilemma involves balancing the need to protect sensitive intelligence, law enforcement’s use of that information, and an accused’s right to a fair trial.

Commissioner Duheme noted that while the RCMP has an “excellent relationship” with CSIS, the challenges of using intelligence as evidence have persisted for years. “We know sometimes it’s a challenge and it’s frustrating,” he said. “We need to bring together experts to find ways to integrate this into criminal investigations. But it’s not an easy fix, as we’ve been working on it for several years.”