Bears Emerging from Hibernation Ahead of Schedule.

Ontario's Bears Awaken from Hibernation in Response to Gentle Weather
Ontario's Bears Awaken from Hibernation in Response to Gentle Weather

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry reports that due to this winter’s mild conditions and minimal snowfall, bears may emerge from hibernation earlier than usual, typically around April. Already, sightings have been reported in various parts of the province, including one in Thunder Bay.

During hibernation, bears shed at least half of their body fat. Upon emerging from their dens until berry crops ripen, they rely on stored fat and early spring vegetation for sustenance. However, with limited natural food sources available during this period, bears may resort to scavenging for nutrition, including garbage and bird feed.

To deter bears from residential areas, the ministry recommends the following precautions:

  • Implementing secure garbage disposal methods
  • Avoiding bird feeders or ensuring they are inaccessible to bears
  • Removing any other potential attractants from outdoor spaces

The MNRF and law enforcement authorities advise keeping dogs on leashes, as unleashed pets may inadvertently lead bears back to their owners, potentially triggering defensive bear reactions toward humans.

In the event of a bear encounter, individuals can report it through the non-emergency Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327, which has been activated earlier than usual this year. However, if a bear exhibits aggressive behavior posing an immediate threat, dial 911 or contact your local police service.

Bears possess remarkable memory and can revisit previous food sources when hungry, covering considerable distances, sometimes exceeding 100 kilometers.