
Revamp Unveiled for Ontario’s Kindergarten Curriculum: Education Update

Kindergarten Curriculum in Ontario to Undergo Revitalization Emphasizing Core Learning: Education Minister Stephen Lecce Unveils Changes for 2025

“The problem we’re trying to solve here is how do we create more consistency and daily application of those skills and that knowledge in the classroom,” Lecce told reporters at a Toronto school.

“This curriculum, this overhaul, I think will help to create more systemic approaches to reading instruction and the introduction, in a very basic way, of mathematical skills and numeracy skills.”

The literacy modifications encompass grasping sound-letter correlations, cultivating phonics proficiency, and employing precise vocabulary

In mathematics education, students will delve into concepts such as fractions, coding, and patterns, as outlined by the government.

“To give another example, students might share shapes or objects among their classmates to understand fractions,” Lecce said.

“The benefit of these changes include a much smoother transition for students entering Grade 1 by aligning with other curriculum updates, as we’ve done with the entire elementary math and language and science technology curriculum.”

The Progressive Conservatives have previously implemented revisions to the math and language curricula for students in Grades 1 to 9.

The language amendments prioritize “time-tested practices” like phonics, cursive writing, digital literacy, word processing, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, there is a mandated minimum of 30 minutes of “daily protected and dedicated time for reading instruction.

In 2020, the Ford government introduced a revamped math curriculum, placing a strong emphasis on financial literacy, coding, algebra, and data collection. Concurrently, Grade 9 courses underwent de-streaming.

Despite these initiatives, an October 2023 report from the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) revealed no significant improvement in math and literacy scores. The EQAO reported that approximately 59.7% of Grade 3 students and 49.5% of Grade 6 students met or exceeded provincial standards in mathematics.

Reading and writing scores for Grade 3 mirrored this trend, with about 72.6% of students meeting or surpassing provincial standards, slightly down from 73.2% in 2021-2022.

The Minister of Education characterized the EQAO data as reflecting a “modest increase” in reading and math proficiency. Additionally, Education Minister Stephen Lecce highlighted on Tuesday that the kindergarten curriculum changes directly address challenges outlined in a 2022 Ontario Human Rights Commission Right to Read report. The report made over 150 recommendations to tackle perceived “low expectations” for students, revealing that at least one-third of students graduate without attaining the literacy level deemed necessary for full functionality in today’s economy.