Black bear euthanized following unintentional destruction of den by Imperial Oil

A black bear was euthanized after its den was inadvertently disturbed by Imperial Oil during construction activities near the Kearl oilsands project in northern Alberta, as reported by the province’s energy regulator to CBC News.

On December 6, the incident occurred when a contractor, working on a drill pad in a previously cleared area, accidentally impacted a concealed bear den, according to a statement by Imperial Oil spokesperson Lisa Schmidt. Subsequently, Alberta Fish and Wildlife had to euthanize the injured black bear.

Imperial Oil stated that it employs a “third-party, Indigenous-owned company” to conduct wildlife sweeps to identify wildlife dens, bird nests, or other features before construction. The company mentioned that the area had been swept prior to construction commencement, but no dens or suitable den areas were discovered.

“We are very sorry this incident occurred. We continually work to ensure our business operates in a safe and environmentally responsible manner,” the statement said.

Construction activities have been halted temporarily for additional wildlife sweeps, and an investigation has been initiated by the company. The duration of the pause and the timeline for the investigation’s completion remain uncertain.

The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) was informed, and inspectors conducted a site visit on December 7. The Kearl project site is situated 70 kilometers north of Fort McMurray, Alberta.

“The AER continues to gather information to determine the cause and circumstances that led to the incident and to determine if Imperial followed AER requirements,” the regulator sai.