
The Stó:lō Nation uncovers 158 child fatalities and the possibility of unmarked graves at former residential schools and a hospital.

The Stó:lō Nation, located in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley, has conducted an extensive investigation into the tragic issue of missing children and unmarked burials. Their diligent efforts have confirmed the identities of 158 children who either perished while attending three former residential school sites or due to their attendance at these institutions, along with a former hospital.

Furthermore, initial results obtained through ground-penetrating radar indicate the presence of multiple irregularities that may correspond to unmarked burial sites at St. Mary’s Residential School in Mission, as reported by the Nation’s dedicated research team.

“The heaviness of the work today cannot be summed into words,” said Chief David Jimmie, president of the Stó:lō Nation.


Back in December 2021, the Stó:lō Nation unveiled a comprehensive three-year initiative aimed at investigating the premises of the four institutions.

This proactive endeavor by the Stó:lō Nation was initiated in response to the discovery, in May 2021, of over 200 graves believed to be located at a former residential school in Kamloops, following the use of ground-penetrating radar.

It’s important to note that similar searches and discoveries have been conducted or are currently underway in various provinces throughout Canada.

Jimmie, Grand Chief Doug Kelly, and the survivors emphasized that their efforts are driven by the profound desire to pay tribute to their ancestors and acknowledge the resilience of survivors, rather than merely counting the lives lost.

“This isn’t a victory. This isn’t a win. This is justice. This is a validation of what me and my people have gone through in residential schools driven by the government with the backbone of the church,” said Cyril Pierre, a member of the Katzie First Nation and survivor of St. Mary’s Indian Residential School,

The hurt and the pain the generations have faced is now coming to the surface, and this is the part of the truth that Canada must face.


Over the course of nearly two centuries, from the 1830s until the closure of the last residential school in 1997, over 150,000 children were compelled to attend these institutions in Canada. These schools were established by the Canadian government with the primary aim of assimilating Indigenous people, which included forcibly separating children from their families.

The findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission shed light on the stark reality that a significant number of Indigenous children sent to these institutions never returned to their families. According to records, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation has documented approximately 4,100 children who lost their lives while attending these schools. However, it is widely believed that the actual number of casualties is significantly higher than this official count.