
The Indigenous economy contributes $1.55 billion to Thunder Bay.

THUNDER BAY – A recent study reveals that Indigenous people and businesses contribute $1.55 billion to Thunder Bay’s economy, a figure its authors hope will reshape public perception.

Michael Fox, president and CEO of Indigenous Community Engagement, said the study was designed to establish a baseline and highlight the critical role Indigenous communities play in local economic development.

“Too often, the focus is on the Indigenous social profile rather than the economic profile,” Fox said. “We wanted to showcase another aspect of the Indigenous community and its vital contributions to the local economy.”

The $1.55 billion accounts for approximately seven percent of Thunder Bay’s overall economy.

“Indigenous people aren’t just consumers of goods and services—they’re also producers. That’s the key message of this report,” Fox added.

While organizations such as the Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC), Fort William First Nation, the Anishnawbe Business Professional Association (ABPA), and the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund—who co-sponsored the study—recognize this economic influence, Fox noted that broader awareness is still needed.

Shifting the Narrative

ABPA President Jason Raysevich called the findings impressive, emphasizing that the report strengthens the case for Indigenous business growth and investment in the coming years.

“This report helps shift the narrative,” Raysevich said. “Historically, media coverage has focused on systemic issues and discrimination against Indigenous peoples. Now, we have an opportunity to highlight their economic contributions and influence.”

He also pointed out that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Indigenous spending played a crucial role in sustaining local businesses and industries.

The study, which reflects economic data from 2020, suggests that the current impact is even greater.

A Growing Economic Force

Jamie Taylor, CEO of the CEDC, expects these numbers to continue rising.

“With the trends we’re seeing, Indigenous economic contributions will likely keep growing,” Taylor said. “It’s important to share this positive narrative—one that recognizes the value Indigenous people bring to our economy.”

The study breaks down Indigenous economic contributions across various sectors, including:

  • Public administration: $376 million
  • Construction and manufacturing: $232 million
  • Other industries: $234 million
  • Retail trade: $76 million
  • Wholesale trade: $25 million
  • Education: $86 million
  • Agriculture and mining: $76 million
  • Finance, insurance, and real estate: $101 million
  • Accommodation, food, arts, and entertainment: $75 million

As Indigenous-led businesses and initiatives continue to grow, advocates hope this data will lead to increased collaboration and investment, further strengthening Thunder Bay’s economy.