
Heat Warning Persists Across Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec

Temperatures are expected to remain high across parts of eastern Ontario and western Quebec for the next few days, with little relief anticipated before Tuesday night.

According to Environment Canada, a humid airmass is currently affecting the region. In Ottawa, temperatures are expected to reach a high of 30°C on Monday, feeling like 37°C with the humidex.

Tuesday will see similar conditions, with a daytime high of 34°C when factoring in the humidex. The nighttime low is not expected to drop below 20°C until Tuesday night, when a cooler airmass moves into the area.

Public health officials are urging people to take precautions to stay cool as temperatures rise.

Heat can severely affect vulnerable populations, including young children, the elderly, and the unhoused, but officials recommend that everyone stay hydrated, avoid outdoor activities during the hottest times of the day, and wear loose-fitting clothing.

Finding shade or using a parasol or umbrella can also help keep the scorching sun at bay.

For those without access to air conditioning, Ottawa Public Health recommends taking a cool bath or visiting their “Beat the Heat” website to locate public buildings with air conditioning, as well as pools and splash pads.