
Effective Strategies to Repel Mosquitoes This Summer

Pesky mosquitoes can ruin even the best summer days, especially in warm weather or near boggy waters. It might feel impossible to keep them at bay, but there are effective strategies to help.

From altering your environment to changing your attire, entomologist Taz Stuart offers the following tips and tricks for defending against mosquitoes.

Check the Mosquito Forecast

Mosquito brand OFF! has developed a website that forecasts mosquito activity levels in Canada. Simply enter your location to see whether the mosquito population for that week is low, medium, or high.

Keep Conditions Dry

Most mosquitoes lay their eggs in or near stagnant water, so it’s crucial to keep your surroundings dry. “Dump it, drain it, spill it, cover it. Any standing water can produce mosquitoes,” Stuart advises. This means regularly emptying bird baths, filling holes that may collect water, and removing any containers that can hold standing water.

Protect Yourself

Using mosquito repellant is one of the most common and effective ways to keep the bloodsuckers away. Stuart notes that DEET, a key ingredient in many sprays, can provide protection for up to six hours. He also emphasizes the importance of reapplying repellant and wearing protective clothing, especially at dusk when mosquitoes are most active. This could include pants, long-sleeve shirts, hats, or even mosquito netting for extra protection.