
Apple issues apology regarding contentious iPad Pro advertisement

Apple apologizes and acknowledges missing the mark with its recent iPad Pro advertisement, which was shared on social media by Apple CEO Tim Cook on Tuesday. The ad faced criticism from online users who interpreted it as glorifying technology’s impact on human creativity and art.

In a statement provided to AdAge, Tor Myhren, Apple’s vice president of marketing communications, issued an apology.

“Creativity is in our DNA at Apple, and it’s incredibly important to us to design products that empower creatives all over the world. Our goal is to always celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves and bring their ideas to life through iPad,” Myhren said. “We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.”

Apple verified the statement given to AdAge but opted not to elaborate further.

The advertisement features iconic symbols of human creativity, such as musical instruments, paint cans, an ’80s arcade video game, and a bust of a human head being crushed by a large hydraulic press. As the metal slabs of the hydraulic press rise, Apple’s new iPad Pro is unveiled.”

“Meet the new iPad Pro: the thinnest product we’ve ever created, the most advanced display we’ve ever produced, with the incredible power of the M4 chip. Just imagine all the things it’ll be used to create,” Cook wrote in a post on X

The response from internet users to the advertisement was swift and critical. “The symbolism of indiscriminately crushing beautiful creative tools is an interesting choice,” commented one social media user. Another stated, “This ad effectively convinced me I need less technology in my life.”

Some criticized the ad as being insensitive, particularly given concerns about the potential impact of AI on employment, especially in creative industries. Actor Hugh Grant took to social media to express that Apple’s ad symbolized “the destruction of the human experience.”

According to AdAge, Apple has decided not to proceed with airing the ad on television.

While it’s uncommon for Apple to issue apologies, the advertisement remains accessible on Cook’s X account.