
Two prominent retailers are removing a well-liked children’s toy from their toy sections.

Walmart and Amazon have announced the discontinuation of water beads marketed to children due to safety concerns and reported incidents of serious injuries. These small, colorful balls, known for their high absorbency, pose a risk to children if ingested. Despite their seemingly harmless nature, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in the United States has reported 4,500 emergency room visits related to water beads in the past four years.

The minute beads have the ability to expand within a child’s body, and their invisibility on x-ray machines has prompted an increasing demand for their prohibition. When immersed in water, these beads transform into slippery, pliable balls of enjoyment. However, if ingested, these minuscule, highly expandable toys can lead to vomiting, intestinal blockages, and life-threatening injuries.

Following thorough testing conducted by Consumer Reports and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), another peril has come to light – the presence of toxic chemicals.

Examinations revealed the presence of chemicals such as acrylamide, a probable carcinogen known for its neurotoxic properties, and BPA, which has been associated with specific cancers and fertility-related problems.

Consumer Reports and various safety advocates are urging the prohibition of these products. Health Canada issued a warning earlier this year, stating that water beads could present life-threatening risks to young children, expanding up to 1,500 times their original size when soaked in water.

Walmart has committed to discontinuing the sale of water beads as children’s toys.

The removal of the beads from the toy section in certain stores might extend over a week, yet there remains the possibility of them being available for sale in other sections.