As the ongoing heat wave persists, significant portions of Ontario and Quebec are anticipated to experience a sensation of 40 degrees. According to Environment Canada, maximum temperatures in the low 30s are predicted, accompanied by a humidex of around 40. The agency has issued warnings about heightened risks of heat-related illnesses.
Despite overnight temperatures lingering around 20 degrees, which offers minimal respite from the stifling heat during the day, Toronto has responded by extending the operating hours of outdoor pools until 11:45 p.m. on Tuesday at seven different locations.
By Thursday, cooler conditions are expected to prevail in certain areas of northern Ontario, according to the forecast. However, for the rest of the province, Environment Canada indicates that the heat wave will persist until Friday before subsiding.
Furthermore, the agency emphasizes that the hot and humid air associated with the heat wave can also lead to a deterioration in air quality.