The president of a Sikh temple in Surrey, British Columbia, was killed in the parking lot of the gurdwara through a fatal shooting.

According to the lawyer representing a Sikh temple leader who was tragically killed in Surrey on Sunday night, his client had informed him that Canada’s intelligence agency had alerted him to imminent threats just days before the incident occurred.

The lawyer expressed that the Sikh temple leader, Nijjar, remained in high spirits despite receiving unsettling information from a source within the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. The lawyer confirmed that Nijjar had been informed about threats against his life by the agency.

Furthermore, Nijjar revealed that the intelligence agency had also mentioned the lawyer, Pannun, in their communication. Nijjar had arranged to meet with the agency on Tuesday to gather more details, and he planned to provide an update to his lawyer afterward.

In addition to this, Nijjar shared that members of the community had informed him about individuals in Vancouver who were allegedly seeking to acquire weapons with the intention of causing harm.


Nijjar and his lawyer have actively spearheaded a movement advocating for Khalistan, the establishment of a separate Sikh nation within India’s Punjab state. Their joint efforts revolved around organizing a referendum on this matter.

Both individuals have encountered hostility and received threats through social media channels, particularly from accounts aligned with pro-India sentiments. Despite such challenges, their commitment remained resolute.

Nevertheless, the lawyer expressed deep shock upon learning about the tragic murder of his dear friend and client. He emphasized the profound bond they shared, describing Nijjar as more than just a client but rather like a younger brother. The lawyer mourned the loss, acknowledging that a part of himself had been taken away.

Remarkably, despite the threats they faced, Nijjar chose not to have any security measures in place. His primary concern centered around the realization of Khalistan and the successful organization of the referendum, displaying his unwavering dedication to the cause.

Police found an adult male inside a vehicle suffering from apparent gunshot wounds. … The man died of his injuries at the scene,” Gillies said.


He said the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team had been called in.“At this early stage of the investigation, any possible motives for the shooting are not yet known. Police are still working to determine possible suspect descriptions from several witnesses who were in the area,” he said.


“Surrey RCMP is aware of social media posts that are speculating on the identity of the victim, but are not in a position to confirm the victim’s identity at this very early time.”


A large crowd gathered outside the temple after the murder, shouting “Long live Khalistan” and blaming the murder on the India government.