
RoseAnne Archibald removed from position of Assembly of First Nations national chief through a vote.

We look forward to getting back to the important work of advancing First Nations priorities and acting on behalf of the best interests of our communities,

On Wednesday, the Assembly of First Nations took steps to remove RoseAnne Archibald from her position as national chief, following a prolonged period of unrest surrounding her tenure as the head of the advocacy organization.

During a specially convened chiefs assembly aimed at addressing the repercussions of a human resources investigation into complaints lodged against Archibald by AFN staff, a vote was conducted to initiate her removal from the position.


Having served as the first woman in this role for just over two years, the resolution to oust her as national chief received the backing of 71 percent of the 231 participating chiefs in the virtual meeting.

According to the AFN, the position of national chief will remain vacant until an interim candidate is chosen from the executive committee. Subsequently, a special chiefs assembly scheduled for December will host an election to determine the permanent national chief.

Wednesday, immediate access to Archibald for comment could not be obtained.