
Discover what the experts recommend as healthier alternatives to coffee,” is a way to rephrase the given sentence.

Coffee can improve metabolism and thus when taken before workout helps improves physical performance. It improves energy levels and helps to burn fat. It also has its effect on brain and neurotransmitters. It also works as anti-depressant. Unlike the positive effects it does have negative effects when taken in large amounts. Caffeine should be taken in restriction by pregnant woman and breastfeeding woman. Large amounts of caffeine can cause dehydration, acidity and heartburn. Hence, a single cup of coffee if taken in a day to start a day fresh can be used rather than addicting ourselves to have more cups in a day. A healthy lifestyle with good exercise and diet always helps to have a balanced life.

But if your looking for another alternative, here’s some.

Switch from coffee to green tea to help improve your metabolism and speed up fat burning. Another potent way to reap its benefits is to use tea powder in other beverages, such as a protein shake or plain yogurt.

  • Green tea is a good source of caffeine for those looking for a healthier substitute to coffee. Green teas contain specific amino acid which provides caffeine without the jitters. An example of this is the Matcha tea.
  • Chicory, barley coffee, rooibos tea, Yerba mate, spelled coffee, chai tea and herbal teas are all great alternatives to a regular cup of coffee.
  • Tea would be a good substitute for coffee, as it still contains a small amount of caffeine, plus antioxidants, which help to prevent some chronic diseases. It is also calorie-free. Most types of teas would work. You can also try kombucha. You can try a glass of hot water with a lemon wedge in there – or have that cold. You can also try fruit-infused water. Any other healthy beverage, such as a smoothie, protein shake, glass of milk or milk alternative, or simply a glass of water, would be fine substitutes as well. I would likely avoid energy drinks to substitute coffee as it contains more caffeine that coffee and generally does not provide much health benefits.
  • The main substitutes for coffee would be the following cereals: chicory, barley and rye. From these drinks can be prepared that resemble the characteristics of coffee.